Keeping Your Home Safe While Your Away

Heading away on holiday or a work trip? It pays to take some extra precautions to keep your house and belongings as safe as you can while you’re not home. Use the following checklist to make your property less susceptible to burglary and theft:

  • Hold your mail or have a neighbour collect it

A pile of mail on the front doorstep, or envelopes pouring out of your mail slot, is an instant tip-off that no one is home. Ensure parcels are delivered elsewhere.

  • Create the illusion that someone is home

Suggestions include leaving a radio on, using timer lights, leaving a car in the driveway, having someone mow your lawn, keeping curtains open, and not tidying up too much.

  • Don’t tell the world you’ll be away

As tempting as it is to share on social media about your upcoming trip, perhaps consider only posting about it once you’re back. The last thing you want to do is tip off the wrong person that you’re away!

  • Notify a trusted neighbour, friend, or family member

Make sure at least one person you trust has your holiday contact details and a spare key so that they are able to check-in on your place while you’re away or respond to an on-site emergency. Something as simple as a fire alarm beeping non-stop might need tending to while you’re away.

  • Keep your keepsakes safe    

Use a fireproof safe to lock up any jewellery, sensitive documents, and valuable items; and if possible hide the safe somewhere that a burglar is unlikely to look.

  • Alert your alarm company

If relevant, call your home security company to let them know you’ll be away. Make sure all of the door and window alarms are set and working when you leave. Don’t have home security? Consider installing fake (but realistic) looking surveillance cameras or buying a security sticker purely as a deterrent method. A Neighbourhood Support sticker on windows or on your letterbox is also a great idea!

  • Hide the hide-a-key

If you don’t need to leave a spare key out for someone, consider hiding it away in a secure spot inside your home or taking it with you.

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